That's actually a topic of debate in our family. We went to the coolest park EVER this past weekend. It's the Dan Nicholas Park in Salisbury, NC. We had so much fun. We took Kathryn to the see the Nature Center and Petting Barn - where she got to meet a cow, sheep, goat, peacock, pig, turkey and a mini-donkey. Seriously, could a child ask for more!? It was at this petting barn where our little topic of debate came about. I tried telling Kathryn, "A turkey says, "gobble, gobble"." And Matt goes, "No, say "Yummy! Yummy!""... So Thanksgiving this year will be a little interesting... We rode the train through the park and also rode on the carousal! We all had a great time! Enjoy the pictures:
Turkey says, "Gobble, yummy!"
Kathryn isn't quite sure about riding the carousal but Matt's sure having fun!

Clearly Matt's having a great time!
One year later.
This is dedicated to Matthew B. Phillips. Husband, brother, son, friend.
Matt, you are terribly missed and dearly loved. We are very proud of you and remember you often; more than often. We are forever grateful for your sacrifice.
We love you.
Remember my dream house? Last weekend while I was in town visiting the family, my mom and I drove over to see the house again. Yes, it was still under contract and no, we still do not have a job in GA nor have we won the lottery since my last post... Apparently the fact of the matter is I enjoy torturing myself. We drove around the curb and as soon as we see the house you can clearly tell some one's been there since my last visit during Memorial weekend. When we saw the house the first time, there was tons of overgrowth and tall grass everywhere. It looked like no one had touched the house in about a year. The sidewalks were overgrown and weeds were all over the place. Of course from my rose-colored glasses, I saw through the overgrowth and saw the house as 'the diamond in the rough'. Since my last visit, someone had cut the grass and trimmed back ALL the overgrowth and hedges. I actually thought, "well that was thoughtful of that person to clean up my yard like that." But then reality kicked in and I figured it was God's way of letting my down easily. So I've been prepared for the past few days to see the word "SOLD" when I look up the house online. Today, I did my usual search and saw that ANOTHER listing agent was listing the house now! Once it was under contract, all the other sites dropped the listing but I came across this site that had been updated with MY house just a few days ago. I couldn't believe the realtor didn't call me and make me aware that these shenanigans were taking place. I got the nerve to call her and see what was going on. She wasn't available but the lady who answered the phone informed me that it was closing TODAY and the realtor was at the "signing table" but a glitch had come up and for me to call back tomorrow to see if it was still on the market. Seriously?? Seriously. You're telling me I called at the exact moment someone was trying to steal my house away from me? God sure has a sense of humor. So there you have it. There's another genius out there who fell in love with the same house and just so happens to have stupid essentials like maybe say...a JOB and MONEY and ability to MOVE.I must put a small little disclaimer on this post...I'm pretty sure a friend of mine is convinced I need to be committed after my last post and I had to clarify I'm not "really" eating, sleeping, dreaming about this house. I mean, yes, I loved it, but I'm making light of circumstances. I had to explain and reiterate these are written in jest. I'm going to call her as soon as I post this and let her know I'm really NOT going to give the new homeowners a basket of poisoned baked goods.