Thursday, August 20, 2009

Happy Anniversary to us!!!

August 14th was our FIVE year anniversary!! We had a wonderful weekend in Charleston, SC celebrating. It's hard to believe it's already been five years but I can tell you, I truly treasure and value every single year and how it's shaped our marriage. Without a shadow of doubt, Matt and I know that our marriage would not be where it is today if it were not for our Lord Jesus Christ. I came across the poem below a few years ago. It is perfect.

Marriage Takes Three

I once thought marriage took just two to make a go,
but now I am convinced
it takes the Lord also.

And not one marriage fails where Christ is asked to enter,
as lovers come together
with Jesus at the center.

But marriage seldom thrives and homes are incomplete,
until He’s
welcomed there, to help avoid defeat.

In homes where Christ is first, it’s obvious to see,
Those unions really work, for marriage still takes three.

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