Each of these instances, I had in my mind what our lives would be like. We'd sell our house in suburbia and move to the country, living on a few acres. Our kids would be in private or public school depending on the school district we ended up in. Our family would grow together in the same church our kids were introduced to as babies.
Not one single plan went as I was expecting or anticipating or even hoping for if I'm being brutally honest. I had it figured out and not one of these outcomes were on my agenda. Not one single thing.
I never thought we'd be the family who home schools. Living in a 3-bedroom apartment on the top floor for 6 months was not an option. Leaving a church we were very involved in for many years was just not going to happen. And yet, here we are.
This is where the beauty began and where my heart has been impacted most. In spite of me, my heart and perspective started to slowly change. For one who is not fond of change, this has become one of the most refreshing times of my life. Sit on that thought for a moment. In spite of me. I try so hard to be in control and the moment I open my hand and begin to surrender that control, beauty is born.
I'm so excited to share these discoveries with you!
This blog was created over 5 years ago with the initial intent to document our family life. It's been on a hiatus, evolved, shifted gears and is in much need of TLC. I didn't realize at the time just how fitting the title would become. "Work in Progress" captures perfectly not only this outlet but also who I am as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend. I hope you enjoy what you find here and above all, I hope it encourages you!