Kathryn Story...
I wanted to post this yesterday but ran out of time. I have two cute Kathryn stories for you... The first one, yesterday morning I was cleaning upstairs and Kathryn was "helping me". She found a pair of black dress shoes that were hers but a few sizes too big so I was holding on to them for this Fall for her to wear. Since she found them she was anxious to test these cute shoes out so I put them on her and she goes tromping around the house so proud of her dressy black shoes. After about twenty minutes, I told her we needed to take the shoes off and put them up because we were going downstairs. I took the shoes off her and told her to put them up and I finished whatever I was working on. She came back to me empty handed so I figured she put them back in her room where she'd found them. Later that afternoon while she was napping, I finished cleaning upstairs and was in our master closet and saw that Kathryn had put her dressy black shoes on the rack with all my dress shoes!! There was a tiny little space on the rack that was empty and she put them there - TOO CUTE! Here's a picture but I promise this won't give justice to my delight when I came across this realization...
Second story...Same day. So Kathryn wakes up from her nap and I can hear her in her room just talking to herself and playing with her little "Ellie" (pink little elephant that she sleeps with). Side note: Kathryn the past few days has learned what a "dirty" diaper is. Not just a wet diaper, she knows DIRTY. And she can say dirty now too - (she says derrrdy). So now back to the story... I open the door to go pick her up out the crib and as soon as the door opens, the room is filled with a very stinky smell..... At the exact moment I smell the stink bomb, Kathryn is standing up and pointing down to her diaper and smiling really big saying "DERRRRRRDDY!" If you know the look of a proud child, she had that look.
I am sure she will probably kill me when she's older knowing that I've just told this story but with her sense of humor, I think I'll be fine..
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