Wednesday, September 16, 2009

About Being a Mom

I have some friends who are pregnant for the first time and I was thinking of what advice to give them. Below, are a few things I've learned that the books don't tell you about being a mom...

- You should probably be prepared to get the "You are CRAZY" look from other parents or adults at some point or another. Whether it's deserved or not...that's a different story.

- There will be times when you think you've made the best decision for your baby and then realize you didn't. That's okay.

- There are the type of parents who are obsessive-compulsive about using anti-bacterial lotion 3,400 times a day...and there are parents who don't know what it is. I figure, they didn't have that when we were growing up so a happy medium should do just fine.

- At some time or another you may find yourself in a situation where kids are playing on a playground/play area together and a little boy you don't know (and whose parent isn't around) spits on your child. You can either a) spit on him. b) kick him c) remove your child from the play area or d) all of the above. If you're mad enough, you may get away with a) and c)...

- You can never just "run out the door" anymore. If you have some place to go with your child in tow, you will need the following:
extra diapers
diaper bag
cell phone

- Kids pick up mannerisms and behaviors very easily. Pick and choose wisely who all you associate with.

- There are hundreds and hundreds of books and everyone has their opinion about how you should raise your child and what you should be doing. Always remember you are the one who is ultimately responsible for their well-being.

- When you hear "raising children is the most rewarding experience"...that's true.

- Be prepared to have your tv, windows, fireplace glass, refrigerator, dishwasher and oven door covered with little hand prints. It becomes part of your home.

- You will likely....or rather, you will most definitely do things you'd never think you would do in your life for your child (and no, I'm not talking about spitting on another kid - I really didn't do that but I did think about it.)

- Modesty is out the window when you have a baby.

- Driving down the road with the windows down and the radio blasting is out the window. (Temporarily)

- I still don't know how to get in and out of a public restroom while trying to pee, holding a child and making sure no one touches anything all at the same time.

- Running errands that used to take 20 minutes, now take about an hour. Plan accordingly.

That's all for now but I am sure I will definitely be adding to this list...

1 comment:

  1. Very good insight. I wonder if a mom's thoughts on this subject change somewhat with a second child?
