Tuesday, May 11, 2010

22 Weeks

How far along? 22 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 12 pounds gained
Maternity clothes? yep, getting bigger by the minute so now a necessity
Sleep: Can't complain, thank God!
Movement: he's practicing being a ninja. pretty sure he's going to be awesome.
Best moment this week: a new lady who was watching Kathryn at church in nursery said to me when I picked Kathryn up, "you must be having a boy. Kathryn kept saying 'mama have a baby BOY." too cute!
Cravings: Seriously. Ok, so I am dying for hot boiled peanuts and in approximately 12 days when I get to GA, my craving will finally be satisfied. Other than that...fruit, honey wheat bagels with peanut butter and honey - YUMMY, ice cream, cheese.. Last night after dinner I ate some chips and guacamole, 2 girl scout cookies, and an orange. For real.
Belly Button: it's out! (hmm.. lets just plan on this section not changing for about 4 more months!)
What I miss: sweet tea daily - go figure. And turkey sandwiches (COLD). Yum. That sounds so good right now. I am not changing this section.
What I am looking forward to: Kathryn being the coolest big sister EVER. Buying new bedding! Buying boy clothes! Arranging the rooms!

Today's a very special day. May 11, 2010. Exactly ten years ago today, I met Matt in the Chicago airport when I met up with the group of students from UNI to fly over to Poland for the summer study abroad program. I was "the girl from Georgia" and he was the hot guy with blue eyes wearing a baseball hat. Ten years later: four years of dating, an MBA, a move to NC, many vacations and travels, a beautiful wedding, an amazing daughter, a boy-on-the-way, five-years-and-counting of marriage, ups, downs, laughs, tears, many many memories and by the grace of God, we can celebrate this day.


  1. Aww sweet happy "I met you" day! haha ... hope you had a good Mother's Day and were spoiled by your hub and lil gal!

  2. oh wow! i remember when you came back to covenant and told me about the "guy" you met :o) wow that seems like yesterday and like a lifetime ago....funny how that happens.

    i. miss. you. hope you are doing well
