Thursday, June 24, 2010

Kathryn's Visit to GA - Day 1 (a few hours later...)

While I was walking around Target by myself with only my purse (no child, no entertainment, no snack, no cart, no rush), it dawned on me what I looked like: A LOST PUPPY!!! I wasn't sure if I wanted to walk the whole store just because I could or just go to a million stores back to back and walk around casually. I ended up at Home Goods and a lady with 3 kids asked me if I knew where the restroom was. I would have been thrilled to walk around looking for it so I'd have some company but unfortunately when I offered to look, a store associate walked up and was able to direct her and I was left to myself again. I may sound a little pathetic right now - like I can't handle being by myself... That's not the case at all. It's just the strangest thing Kathryn being gone and me being HOME with literally no other responsibilities at the moment. Ok, now off to plan my day tomorrow and hoping to minimize calling my mom to less that 10x tomorrow ;)

1 comment:

  1. SO jealous of you right now!! Zach just left for drill so its just me and the babies all weekend;( I would do it all if I were you .. movie, massage, shop, nap, get your hair cut, eat out with the hubs, o the possibilities ... none of mine have ever spent the night away .. EVER ... one day one of the grandparents will pity us and suggest it .. one day ...
