Saturday, September 26, 2009

Potty Training at its finest

Potty training. Hmmm... I can already tell this is going to be an interesting time.

Matt and I loaded Kathryn up in the car today and headed out to the local Wal-Mart. We thought we should go ahead and purchase her little "potty" so she could start getting used to it. I think neither one of us knew really what to expect when we saw multiple brands of "potty chairs". Pretty sure we stood in the aisle reading all the boxes for about 20 minutes. Matt at one point is holding one of the boxes and starts laughing. He literally says, "this one plays music and rewards the kid for doing #2......Sweet." I'm fairly certain he was jealous at that point.

If only you had been a fly on the wall during this process of deciding which "potty" to go with. Again, referencing the parenting bible that doesn't exist, what's the criteria for choosing one? Design? Easiest to clean? One that converts into a million other things? One that plays music? One that makes "flushing" sounds? I mean, I could go on and on.

We settled on the Princess Potty chair. Clearly the title speaks for itself. Yes, it plays music...apparently that was a major selling point for Matt. I never thought I'd go to a store looking for a little box to sit on so Kathryn could learn to use the bathroom and walk out with a musical, plastic Princess Potty chair that converts into a stool, potty, and "seat for the toilet" sort of contraption. Good times.

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