Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Race is on...

I'm hoping to have a great story for you later about me tracking down one of Donald Miller's manuscripts for a friend of mine but you'll just have to wait at the edge of your seat for a little while longer... He is the author of Blue Like Jazz. I've never read it (or anything else by him) but apparently he is hiding 60 of his manuscripts across the nation and on twitter letting everyone know a day in advance what state it will be in and the day of, he'll post the actual address of the hidden manuscript. Whoever gets there first gets the manuscript and a phone conversation with him about any of his books. Today, the state is North Carolina and my friend...who lives in GEORGIA asked if I could help her out since I'm kind of at an advantage. Since she's a dear friend, (and I figure if I'm able to get it, I won't have to worry about her birthday or Christmas present until kingdom come) I told her if it is possible for me to get to the location, I'll be throwing punches to get the manuscript for her. She told me to charge the GPS and thankfully I already have a full tank of gas. I also figured I could use Kathryn as a distraction if it became necessary. I'll just yell "WHOSE CHILD IS THIS!!??" and while everyone's trying to figure it out, I'll snatch the manuscript. I pretty much have it all figured out. I'm prepared to use any means necessary. This is serious business.

On a side note. Does anyone else out there think the Dilbert comics are the funniest things ever? I think Scott Adams is hilarious. The one on the site today is great. It won't be as funny if I try to retype it here for you. If you don't laugh at it, consider yourself weird.

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