Hello again. It's been a while since I've posted... I'm not in the 'routine' yet of being a true blogger I suppose. I wanted to share a little story that happened to me today. Actually, to start the story off, you'll need a little background information. In July 2008, my family and I lost a dear friend of many years who was killed in Afghanistan while fighting for Operation Enduring Freedom. His name was Matt Phillips and he was 27 years old. Many people took his loss to heart and desperately tried (and continue to try) to come to terms with his passing. As a believer, I can now confidently say that I know he is in heaven with our Lord and Savior but there are still days that I am brought to my knees in confusion and sadness. After his funeral, my sister and I had a little bumper sticker made that said "Cpl Matthew B. Phillips - Matthew 5:8 - Will Not Be Forgotten", as a reminder of him and of his favorite verse. We wanted him to be remembered and we wanted to be reminded to pray for he and his family every time we saw the sticker on our cars. So now, fast forward to March 2009...just a few days ago, I had the fantastic pleasure of having an old friend come to visit for the night and we were able to catch up and talk for hours on end about life, boys, work, and anything and everything two girls could think to gab about. Late in the night while we were talking, our conversation turned to christianity. My friend and I have discussed this topic before over the years, and while she is still searching for her Truth, we had some great breakthroughs in our discussion. At one point, our conversation took the turn of her questioning, "If God is good, why would he allow someone such a horrible death" - referring to a friend of hers. And of course, I instantly thought of my friend Matt so I brought his story to light. I didn't have the answer to her question, other than knowing that all things work to God's glory and He controls every single thing that happens. Although, I think unless you are grounded in the word, those blanket statements my not make sense to all. And even to me, I still have many questions I would like to know answers to. But regardless, our conversation was fantastic and we cried and put our hearts on our sleeves. She left the next day as planned and for the next two days, I'm sure because I brought him up in conversation, Matt Phillips was on my mind more than usual. Last night before I fell asleep, I said my prayers and literally ended with tears to God saying, "and please tell Matt I said hello". Today, my husband and I were driving to the store in the rain and stopped at a red light. As we started to move forward, the car beside us honked and had us roll down our windows. It was a father and he had a car full of kids. He said to us, "Our bibles are in the trunk, but what is Matthew 5:8?" And I stared at him stunned and then smiled and said, "Blessed are the pure of heart, for they will see God." He and the kids all said thank you and drove away smiling and waving at us through the rain. It wasn't until a few minutes later that I was overcome with emotion. I couldn't stop crying. That was the first time anyone had ever asked me about the sticker. To have Matt's favorite verse passed on to car full of complete strangers and to have God recognized, is a feeling more than I can type into words. And the most amazing part of it all, I know God was saying "hello back".
That is such a great story Erin! thanks for sharing :o) I love it when God works like that!! hope you are doing well! I miss you!!