Friday, March 12, 2010

Happy Update!!!

First things first, we heard the heartbeat and our sweet baby is alive and well!!!! Praise the Lord. Thank you so much for your prayers. I hope I never forget the feelings I had that day. It's so hard for me to explain but a big part of me was prepared for the sadness that I believed was coming and all the while, I knew and could feel God just carrying us and loving on us through everyone. On top of that, I had an unexplainable peace that whatever was to happen, we were going to be okay. I was definitely anxious to know the truth but not a panic, worrisome anxiousness.

I am sorry for not posting earlier than now to update. The past 12 days have been a whirlwind to me and I've just been counting down to today for a breather. I'm so glad it's finally here!

Somehow, and I still don't understand it, but Kathryn gets cuter and cuter by the day. She's learned to play Simon Says and pretty much rocks at it. She's speaking so much now - sentences - so we carry on all day long. It's probably a fair bet that she says, "mama" about 3,742 times a day. "Mama, whatcha doin', huuhh?", "There's a bird, mama", "Birds talking, mama", "What's Cooper doin', mama?", "Kathryn go potty, mama", "Whatcha doin' mama, huuhhh?" - I meant to put that in there twice. She says that throughout the day. What else can you do but smile when you hear your name!? Oh what a sweet little girl.

God is so good.

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